9 min readSep 12, 2020


Flask API around Roberta Model. Template Source:w3schools

Sentiment Analysis is a process of determining the emotional tone behind a series of words. It is extremely useful in social media monitoring, as it allows us to gain overview of public opinion behind certain topics. Recently, I worked on a Kaggle challenge called Tweet Sentiment Extraction which was not about determining the sentiment of the tweet but to determine what part of the tweet lead to the given sentiment.


1. Problem definition and data set
2. Performance Metric
3. Exploratory Data Analysis
4. Baseline Model
5. ManyToMany Model
6. Named Entity Recognition Model
7. Bert QA model
8. Roberta model
9. Examples of Model prediction


In this Kaggle challenge, a tweet and its corresponding sentiment are given. The task is to extract a part of the tweet that leads to the given sentiment.
The data set provided by Kaggle had two files: train and test. The train file had 27,481 different tweets, one among the three sentiments (positive, negative or neutral) and their corresponding extracted text (selected_text). The challenge was to predict the selected_text for the 3534 tweets present in test data set.
This problem,in common, can be posted as a Question Answering task wherein the sentiment acts as question, tweet as context from which answer is to be extracted and selected_text as the answer. I have tried a number of ways to solve this problem, which is explained later.


The performance metric used for evaluation is word-level Jaccard score. It is calculated as follows:

Overall score

where n is the total number of tweets,jaccard is the above jaccard function with gt_i being the actual part of tweet responsible for the sentiment and dt_i is the predicted part of tweet.


The given data was analysed in three parts:
1. Analyzing the sentiment feature:
There are three categories of sentiment: neutral,positive,negative with
neutral being largest in number. Positive and negative sentiments are also large in number, hence, the data set is not imbalanced with sentiment feature.

Distribution of Sentiment feature

2. Generating Meta-features:
Three meta-features namely: word_length_text, word_length_selected_text and diff_word_length(difference of the two word lengths)were created.

Violin plot for feature “word_length_text” against different sentiments

a. word_length_text: The distribution of word_length_text among different sentiments is similar with little difference.There seems to be high number of tweets with length between 5 to 7 irrespective of sentiment.

Violin plot for feature “word_length_selected_text” against different sentiments

b. word_length_selected_text: The neutral tweets set to have higher word length for selected_text compared to positive and negative tweets. Moreover, neutral tweets have similar percentile ranges for word_length_selected_text and word_length_text. Positive and negative tweets have lower word length for selected text feature with a peak around 1 to 3.

Distribution plot for feature “diff_word_length” against different sentiments

c. diff_word_length: The difference in word length for positive and negative tweets have similar distribution with a peak near 0.Most of the tweets with neutral sentiment have difference of word length equal to zero.

3. Analyzing frequent words in selected_text for each sentiment:

Method that generates frequent words for a given sentiment
Word Analysis for positive sentiment
Word Analysis for negative sentiment
Word Analysis for neutral sentiment


  • There are large number of tweets with word length 5 to 7 irrespective of sentiment value.
  • Positive and negative sentiment have similar distribution for difference in word length.
  • Neutral sentiment has higher number of words in the selected_text compared to positive and negative sentiment. In fact, 92% of neutral tweets have equal word length and selected_text.Thus, neutral tweets can be returned as it is as the selected_text.


In this model, the tweet and its sentiment are given as input, and the start and end index of the selected text is returned by the model.

Baseline model Architecture

This base line model has the following layers:
1. Input layer : The sentiment and the tweet are tokenized and the tokens are fed as input. 99.9 percentile of the tweets had less than 32 tokens. Hence, sequence_length was chosen as 33 (one for the sentiment)
2.Embedding layer :This layer has pre-trained Glove word vectors of 100 dimension converting each token to 100 dimensional vector.
3. Conv1d Layer: 6 conv1d layers with kernel size 2 and stride=1
4. Dropout Layer: To prevent over-fitting.
5. Output layer: Two 32 neuron dense layer with soft-max activation function. One predicting the start index and other predicting the end index.
Loss function used was CategoricalCrossentropy and Adam optimizer with default learning rate.
The mean jaccard score for hold out test data-set was 0.59.The average jaccard score for positive sentiment is 0.35, for negative sentiment is 0.36 and for neutral sentiment is 0.92. For complete code, refer my github repository: Baseline model


In this model, the tweet is given as input to a LSTM layer and a time distributed dense layer is used to predict whether each of the input token must be present in selected_text or not.

Many to Many Model Architecture

This model has the following layers:
1. Input layer: This layer takes in token ids of the tweet as input.
2. Mask layer: This layer is masking the padded tokens.
3. Embedding Layer: Each token id is converted to 100 D vector using the pre-trained Glove vectors.
4. LSTM layer: This layer returns output at each time sequence. This is achieved by setting the parameter return sequences=True
5.Time distributed Dense Layer: This layer takes LSTM output at every time sequence and predicts whether that token must be present in the selected_text or not.

The model was trained with Adam optimizer with default learning rate. With 0.1 as the threshold, the predicted values were converted to binary(0’s and 1's).Longest sub sequence algorithm was used to determine the tokens that would be part of the selected_text.

The mean jaccard score for hold out test data-set was 0.58.The average jaccard score for positive sentiment is 0.31, for negative sentiment is 0.33 and for neutral sentiment is 0.97. This model’s performance did not improve from that of baseline model.For complete code, refer my github repository:


NER is a process of identifying different entities present in the text and classifying them into categories like Person,Organization,Location and so on. A library called spaCy allows us to update the existing spaCy model to suit the given data set or train models from scratch, creating new labels.
For this case study, three separate NER models were created, one for each sentiment. Each of the NER model was trained with selected_text as a entity to recognize from the tweet. During inference, given a tweet, the model would label part of the tweet as selected_text.
In a nutshell, spaCy’s internal architecture has the following layers:
1.Embedding layer: Converting each word to vector representation
2. Encode Layer: CNN layer that gives sentence matrix, capturing meaning of the word with respect to the given text.
3. Attention Layer: Reducing the sentence matrix to a vector using attention mechanism, giving the summary of entire text.
4. Predict Layer: Multi Layer Perceptron layer predicting the label for the text

The mean jaccard score for hold out test data-set was much improved 0.64. The average jaccard score for positive sentiment is 0.43, for negative sentiment is 0.41 and for neutral sentiment is 0.97. For complete code, refer my github repository: NER model


BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) transformed the landscape in Natural Language Processing by providing the power of transfer learning.One such task that can be performed by fine tuning BERT model is Question Answering Task. Fortunately, Hugging Face library have implemented TFBertForQuestionAnswering model which takes question and a paragraph in a specific format and returns probability of each token in paragraph to be start index and end index of the answer.For this case study, sentiment acts as question, tweet as context and selected_text as answer.

BERT QA model architecture

BERT model has its own tokenizer called BertWordPieceTokenizer which converts the data into tokens as used to train the BERT model. The input that has to be given to the model are:
1.input_ids: It starts with [CLS] token followed by sentiment_id,then [SEP] token,followed by ids of the tweet and ends with [SEP] token.
2. attention_mask: This layer prevents attention mechanism on padded tokens. Therefore, all the input_ids would have one and rest would have zero.
3.token_type_ids: This layer separates the question ids from the context ids.
The question ids would have value of zero and answer ids with one.

The Bert model returns logits, hence softmax activation is applied as output layer. The model was trained with Adam optimizer with learning rate of 2e-5 and loss as Categorical Crossentropy.
The mean jaccard score for hold out test data-set was 0.63.The average jaccard score for positive sentiment is 0.41, for negative sentiment is 0.39 and for neutral sentiment is 0.97.For complete code, refer my github repository: BERT_QA.


Roberta builds on Bert model. It was trained on bigger training data,longer sequences and larger mini batches.It was trained only on Masked Language model without Next Sentence Prediction. Because of all these factors, Roberta model outperforms Bert model.

Input to Roberta model (Source: Chris Deotte’s KaggleNotebook)
Roberta Model architecture

Roberta model has its own tokenizer called ByteLevelBPETokenizer which converts the data into tokens as used to train Roberta model. The model has the following layers:
1.input_ids: It starts with <s>token followed by ids of the tweet,then </s> and </s> token,followed by sentiment_id and ends with </s>token. The <s> and </s> are start and end token specific to Roberta model.
2.attention_mask: This layer prevents attention mechanism on padded tokens. Therefore, all the input_ids would have one and rest would have zero.
3.token_type_ids: Since there are no separate segments of question and context as in Bert QA model, all the values of token_type_ids are zero.
4. Dropout layer: To prevent over fitting, dropout layer is used.
5. Conv1D layer: 2 Conv1D layers, one for start and other for end scores. It has kernal size of 1 and 1 filter
6.Activation layer: Softmax activation is applied to start and end scores to obtain start and end index of selected_text.

Input data creation for Roberta model

The model was trained with Adam optimizer with learning rate of 3e-5 and loss as Categorical Crossentropy.
The mean jaccard score for hold out test data-set was the best among all, with a score of 0.70.The average jaccard score for positive sentiment is 0.52, for negative sentiment is 0.51 and for neutral sentiment is 0.97.For complete code, refer my github repository: Roberta Model


1. Positive Sentiment
Text: candle wax is very enjoyable.
Actual selected text: enjoyable.

Models and their prediction for positive sentiment

2. Negative Sentiment
Text: aaahhh i`m just so busy. sorry everyone.
Actual selected text: sorry

Models and their prediction for negative sentiment

3. Neutral Sentiment
Text: That`s the song I mean
Actual selected text: That`s the song I mean

Models and their prediction for neutral sentiment

All the models perform really well on neutral sentiment but as the model complexity increases, they start performing well on positive and negative sentiment.


Kaggle score for Roberta model


1. This blog helped me in building the NER model
Chris Deotte’s notebook was useful for building the Roberta model
3. Hugging face library: The BERT QA model and Roberta models were used from the hugging face library.
4. I was mentored by the team of Applied AI course in executing this Case study.






Written by VivekR

Data Engineer, Big Data Enthusiast and Automation using Python

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